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A member registered Feb 02, 2022

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Hi Arks it's me again about the NFT project I mentioned earlier. 

In regards to the intellectual property/ownership rights of the Dino concept, for me to create the project I would have to credit you as the rightful artist of the design.  Furthermore,  what are your terms and conditions for allowing this to be mass produced and placed on the internet? I'm wanting to make this project work and don't want to get sued down the track ahahaha just want clarification.

Would be more than happy to get in contact with you over a ZOOM meeting to further discuss this and clarify a few things if you're interested. Hoping to hear back from you soon



Thanks heaps Ark. I'll be in contact with you after I sort it out and happy to send you an nft/sample as a thank you for using your concept.

Hi Arks, really love the work. Could I use this as part of an nft project I'm working on? Just as long as I credit you? I have only used the outline of the Dino and have made differing colouring variations. Is this ok? Thanks again